Search options

You can search by:

- name of the owner of the mark (if you have a name you want to check the database will also give you suggestions).

- the source in which the mark was published.

- goods which  had marks on them (for instance cinnamon).

- the materiality of the mark (for instance, was it carved in wood, written on paper? both primary materiality i.e. how we find it as researchers and secondary materiality, i.e. how it is decribed in a source is listed. An example: an inventory (paper) mentions that a mark was painted on a piece of cloth).

- people if you have a name you want to check - the database will also give you suggestions).

- the function of the mark (for instance, signature or identification of cargo).

- elements of the mark (if you have only a mark before you, break it down into the elements listed and count them; each strokes counts from the one end point to the other, like in Japanese kanji; you can then enter these elements + number to see whether you have a match).


- within one selected mark symbol (e.g. through search or by clicking on it): map and network of all occurences of the marks; details on information can be clicked away, e.g. if you do not want to visualise goods.

- when several marks are selected (through search): grid, list, map, network and chronological chart are possible. Also here, the scope of the information can be adjusted.

- all goods, all people and all institutions can also be visualised for all the marks.